Haiku Drash are like hummingbirds, little gems of beautiful inspiration. They follow the traditional Japanese "rules" for haiku, but draw their content from Parashat Ha-Shavuah- the weekly Torah portion. I will be posting at least one each week, but feel free to follow the guidelines below and create your own. Email to haikudrash@gmail.com. Check back regularly for updates.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
B'reishit 5773
In much the same way, You and I create our lives With voice, breath and light.
A very cool concept, Abra, and (tho' not as expert as you in haiku) I applaud your execution. If I get inspired to write, it'll probably not be on a specific parasha. We'll see.
A very cool concept, Abra, and (tho' not as expert as you in haiku) I applaud your execution. If I get inspired to write, it'll probably not be on a specific parasha. We'll see.